Graduation Party

As you all know, or at least those who read my post on my recent graduation, I had a little graduation party. On the contrary, nobody was break dancing or going crazy. It was a small intimate dinner followed by some lounging and some champagne sipping. For my graduation party I wore this dress I snagged at Forever 21 (I know, F21 as a graduation dress? Just wait!). When I saw it, it looked a LOT more expensive than it was. I was apprehensive to try it on, but I did. Instantly, I fell in love. It had a very Chanel inspired look to it and the light sparkle really made this dress, the one.

It was such a great party and once again, THANK YOU to all my friends and family for making that night so magical!

My amazing boyfriend & My parents!




4 thoughts on “Graduation Party”

  1. wow…you and your mother…so beautiful…amazing really… you must know you’re so much better than the word beautiful or pretty can describe… now that you know that, tomorrow, you should wear these words like you own them…


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